After months of batting a big fat zero in the home cleanliness department, I am finally getting into the swing of cleaning again! Once Staci started pulling herslef along, it became almost impossible for me to keep up with this house. I just wasn't sure how to manage her and clean--especially because I do try to limit her television watching. I don't think TV is bad necessarily, but I do think she will learn more and be more active if the TV is off. This week, however, she has watched way more than I approve of. That is because Mama has been BUSY! Monday, I spent nearly the entire day decluttering, trimmed the bushes, shined the kitchen sink, hung the second curtain rod up in Staci's room (so we could have blackout curtans and her pretty curtains up at the same time) and cleaned up the toys in both play areas. That doesn't sound like much, but it took me most of the day.
Yesterday I didn't get much done around the house because Staci and I spent the entire day out and about with Grandma E checking out her soon-to-be new home and area of town!
Today, I vacuumed the entire house, steam-cleaned the living room carpet, had friends over and went for a nice long walk, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned all 3 toilets, and steam-mopped the kitchen floor. Wow, when I write it all out it sure doesn't sound like that much, but I only sat down during nap time!
I think the big motivator for me in finally starting to get our house in shape is that Max and I are considering getting our house on the market and looking for a new home closer to his work. More on that in the next post!
I don't know...pregnant, nursing, vacuuming, steam cleaning, laundry, child care and toilets in one day sounds like alot to me. Good Job!