Dear Olivia,
At nine months old you are so much fun to have around. You now have 4 teeth, and must be getting more soon because everything you can get your hands on goes immediately into your mouth. You are pulling up and cruising and have already learned how to turn on the TV. You are doing amazingly well with solid foods and will transition to the food your big sister and parents are eating very soon. For now, some of your favorite snacks are apple slices, grapes (peeled and sliced small), veggies from soup like squash and carrots, cheerios, chex, bananas, and avocado smashed on a rice cake. Oh and Baby Mum-mums. You like to eat--and I don't blame you one bit!
--You take 2 naps a day, usually around 1.5-2 hours each.
--You are far from sleeping through the night.
--You are still nursing frequently, probably 9-10 times in a 24 hour period, but rarely for more than 5 minutes at time.
--Your favorite toy is anything your sister is playing with. Funny enough, HER favorite toy is anything you are playing with. Funny how that works, even at 9 months old!
--You moved to 9-12mo and 12mo clothing at 8 months old
--With your new pulling up skills, you are now especially interested in the toilet. Yay.
We love you, Olivia! Keep growing big and strong. You light up our lives with so much laughter and love.
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