Tuesday, December 14, 2010

8 thoughts on Christmas cards and a tip

Just some giggles as I address, stamp and stuff...

1) My thumb has been asleep now for 2 days
2) I don't know why it makes me giggle to send something to the Raymonts from the Raymonts, but it does
3) It occurs to me I never get as many as I send, but that's ok. I love sending them (even though I can't feel my thumb--it's all about the sacrifice. er whatever)
4) I wish I had the time and the money to send a better card, one with a personalized message or at least an update on what's new with us.  This year it's just a quote from Dr. Seuss.  That's all ya get peeps.
5) It feels really funny to type when you can't feel your thumb
6) I'm thrilled I made it through without addressing any upside-down.  at least I don't think.
7) I love our picture for the card more than words can express.  Thank you MLP!
8) Addressing, stamping and stuffing is way more fun with wine. I really missed it this year.

Quick tip: instead of licking all those envelopes, use a damp sponge.  keep a small bowl of water nearby to re-moisten as needed.  so much faster! (and less icky)

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