Monday, June 14, 2010

oh so frustrated

To say my daughter is a bad sleeper is like saying 9/11/01 was a bad day.  I mean really, it is awful.  Last night was the first night in almost a week where she DIDN'T wake up for 2+ hours in the middle of the night.  I'd consider it a victory if it hadn't taken 2 hours to get her to go to sleep, resulting in her finally going down at 10pm.  It's currently 8:59pm and we have been trying to get her to go to sleep for over an hour. In that hour I nursed her 2 times, she got crazy upset in her crib while Max stood outside just trying to get her to calm down.  After just a few minutes she vomited everywhere, so I went in to help clean her and the room up at which point she asks for milk again. so, that's 3 times nursing now in a little over an hour.  Did I mention she is 14 months old? She can be completely calm and near sleep and the second I even get near her crib she erupts into a fit of screams.  Like, she's not just a little upset.  It's all out WAR to her, and she's not losing.  Strong willed doesn't even BEGIN to describe it. 

GAH.  I just had to get that out!


  1. Ugg Megan I am so sorry. I know you guys have been struggling with this since day 1. Hang in there! Has your pediatrician given any advice?

  2. Huge hugs. I wish there was something I could to do to help!
